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NOKS Cult Community


The most ironic/entertaining outcome is the most likely. No one knows Satoshi. $NOKS

NOKS Address




No One Knows Satoshi isn't just about protecting an individual's privacy but about upholding the foundational values of cryptocurrency. By preserving Satoshi's anonymity, NOKS aims to ensure that Bitcoin and the technologies it inspired remain true to their decentralized, autonomous nature. This whitepaper serves as a call to action for the crypto community to rally behind this ethos, understanding that in the realm of digital currency, the power lies in the system's design, not in the hands of any one person.

Importance of Privacy

The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto has remained one of the most guarded secrets in the digital age. This anonymity has become symbolic within the cryptocurrency community, embodying the very principles of decentralization that Bitcoin stands for. No One Knows Satoshi is an initiative that not only reveres this anonymity but actively seeks to protect it, arguing that revealing Satoshi's identity could undermine the decentralized nature of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies at large.


Our Mission

  • Advocacy


    NOKS actively advocates for the continued anonymity of Satoshi through educational campaigns, community support, and technological initiatives aimed at enhancing privacy.

  • Technological Measures

    Technological Measures

    Development and support for technologies that enhance anonymity within the blockchain space, reinforcing the principle through practice.

  • Community Engagement

    Community Engagement

    Building a strong community consensus around the importance of anonymity, engaging in discussions, and potentially legal battles to protect this principle.


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